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Spells Digest #5

Hey folks! 👋 Did you catch the Apple event? Since everyone's talking about Apple, we figured we should too! So in this issue, you'll find some of our favorite Apple-related design details and easter eggs.

You can read this issue online too if you like! Without further ado, here is the latest roundup of the spells we've shared on Twitter/X


And our very first bonus spell! An easter egg that's not quite Apple, but still very much Apple-themed.

If you enjoyed this roundup of design details, feel free to let us know! You can tweet at us, drop us a DM, or reply directly to this email. Suggestions are always welcome as well!

Stay spellbound,
The Design Spells Team

P.S. Chester's getting an iPhone 15, so you can expect some dynamic island content coming your way soon! 🏝️

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