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Spells Digest #20

Hey folks! 👋 With 20 issues and 6,000 subscribers thus far, this little newsletter has blown our initial expectations out of the water. At this point, we're just strapping in for the ride to see how far this can go. What else would you like to see in our newsletter or website? Let us know!

In this issue, Amie and Figma show us that 1st April can be used for more than just pranking users, by introducing "features" that are fun and silly. We suspect this could be the start of a new trend among design-forward companies in the years to come.

P.S. Due to the limitation of email, we're only able to show our spells in shortened, compressed GIFs. So if you see something you like, we encourage you to click into the spell link. This will bring you to our website where you can watch the video in its full glory. You can also scroll down to browse similar spells to the one that you clicked into.

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You can read this issue online too if you like! Without further ado, here is the latest roundup of the spells we've shared on Twitter/X


Threads has been introducing custom like button animations based on tags and we're all for it! Did anyone encounter other interesting ones?

If you enjoyed this roundup of design details, feel free to let us know! You can tweet at us, drop us a DM, or reply directly to this email. Suggestions are always welcome as well!

Have a suggestion or want to make a submission? Share them here!

Interested in sponsoring a future issue of the newsletter? Find out more and get in touch here!

Stay spellbound,
The Design Spells Team

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