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Spells Digest #26

Hey folks! 👋 Up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A. That's the Konami Code, one of the most popular video game cheat codes till date. It's so popular that it has even found its way to into numerous websites today.

So far, we've found it in 2 sites, Linear and Vercel, where using the code unlocked things like arcade games and hidden controls. Have you encountered it in other sites?

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You can read this issue online too if you like! Without further ado, here is the latest roundup of spells from the past 2 weeks:


Config (Figma's annual conference) was just a while ago! Did you catch this little easter egg on X/Twitter during those dates?

If you enjoyed this roundup of design details, feel free to let us know! You can reach us on X/Twitter, Threads, Mastodon, or reply directly to this email. Suggestions are always welcome as well!

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Stay spellbound,
The Design Spells Team

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